MUDVAYNE – “Mudvayne” (Sony BMG) …
MUDVAYNE „The New Game”
Ten zespół opętał mój umysł spory czas temu, za sprawą indywidualnego podejścia do nurtu zwanego numetal. Skomplikowane rytmicznie utwory, robudowana linia basu, charakterystyczny i charyzmatyczny wokal.
MUDVAYNE „The End of All Things to Come”
In many aspects this album is similar to LD.50, regular time signature changes with melodic and savage growling vocals. The End Of All Things To Come has thirteen songs.
MUDVAYNE – Lost and Found
POOBAH – Steamroller
AD FRANK – The World's Greatest Ex-Boyfriend
MILLENCOLIN – Kingwood …
DEATH Tribute
Jean-Francois Dagenais (KATAKLYSM), Patrick Mameli (ex-PESTILENCE), and Luc Lemay (GORGUTS) and are he latest musicians confirmed to appear on the upcoming DEATH tribute project, “Within The Mind – In Homage…