Cacophonous Records Signing: “Old Corpse Road are proud to announce our induction into the resurrected Cacophonous coven. The dedication and support from a legendary label who brought the world bands such as Bal-Sagoth, Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir is incredible. For Cacophonous to have faith in our vision and music is a humbling experience. […]
OLD CORPSE ROAD „The Echoes of Tales Once Told”
Trzymając w rękach krążek OLD CORPSE ROAD nie spodziewałem się Black Metalu. Zdjęcie na okładce totalnie mnie zmyliło…
OLD CORPSE ROAD „The Echoes of Tales Once Told”
When I received the disc of OLD CORPSE ROAD I did not expect Black Metal, because the cover-art misleaded me totally… but from the second side – the information announced Black Metal horde is fascinated a British folklore, the myths and the legends…
OLD CORPSE ROAD „The Echoes of Tales Once Told”
When I received the disc of OLD CORPSE ROAD I did not expect Black Metal, because the cover-art misleaded me totally… but from the second side – the information announced Black Metal horde is fascinated a British folklore, the myths and the legends…