ONE STEP BEYOND “The Music Of Chance”
Metal Scrap Records, 2015
ONE STEP BEYOND „Life Imitates Art”
“Originality through diversity” – that's what One Step Beyond claim. So it would be appropriate to think for a while whether both elements of this statement are really present in their music.
ONE STEP BEYOND „Life Imitates Art”
„Oryginalność poprzez różnorodność” – takie hasło przyświeca muzyce, a właściwie ideologii One Step Beyond. Wypada się zatem zastanowić, czy zarówno pierwszy, jak i drugi element owego credo został spełniony.
ONE STEP BEYOND – Interview with Mad Matt Spencer
a talk with Mad Matt Spencer (bass, vocals, fx)
of One Step Beyond
“Combining their eclectic influences from such styles as Grind, Rock, Dub Reggae, Funk, Jazz, Thrash, Ska, Punk, Industrial and Hip-Hop they have forged a unique sound and vision amongst the hordes of imitators currently congesting the music world.” – that's how they describe their music. I couldn't say more. The sound of One Step Beyond is really one (or even two) step beyond the others. If you have an open mind and if you aren't stuck in one specified genre without paying attention at any other music, then you have to listen to what these Australians prepared…