Enter to win for free the album of IRON KINGDOM “The Blood Of Creation” [Closed]
Metal Centre and Asher Media Relations arranged for you the newest album of IRON KINGDOM “The Blood Of Creation”. For fans of Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Queensryche, Fates Warning, Riot, Helloween. So, if you want to get this CD then you write for us by our profiles of FB (English or Polish)!
SUNRUNNER „Sacred Arts Of Navigation”
FastBall Music & Bob-Media Distribution & Illegal Eagle Productions, 2021
STARBYNARY „Divina Commedia: Paradiso”
Art Gates Records, 2020
HESPERION “Живим… / Who Alive…”
Total Metal Records, 2017
AURON “Auron”
Metal Scrap Records, 2015
Cool songs: Life Force Rapture, the Burning Kingdom trilogy, Winter Flight, From the Flesh
Cool songs: Life Force Rapture, the Burning Kingdom trilogy, Winter Flight, From the Flesh
STRANGLEHOLD „Stranglehold”
The title album of STRANGLEHOLD is a big piece of strong and melodious Heavy Metal. The tracks are very dynamic.
KILLJOY „Back To The Past”
Killjoy is a five piece Polish band and “Back to the Past” is a five song prelude to their full length “Enemigo”. Finding info on these guys was a struggle since there are numerous bands that share the same name and when I finally did pin down the right 'Killjoy', all the info was in Polish.
KINGCROW „Insider”
Oto kolejna kapela z Włoch, jaka zagościła w moim odtwarzaczu w 2004 roku. Ostatnie włoskie bandy, jakie miałem okazję recenzować obracały się w konwencji heavy metalu, no i oczywiście KINGCROW ma wiele wspólnego z tym gatunkiem metalu.