It is time for Swedish prelude of CONFIDENCE… Swedish bands always have something interesting to offering even if it is Black, Death and Power Metal.
MANIGANCE „Recidive”
MANIGANCE plays over 15 years. Gentlemen recorded the four full albums …
EVERGREY „The Inner Circle”
Czysty i prawdziwy geniusz w muzyce metalowej objawia się rzadko, a nawet bardzo rzadko. Trudno jest oceniać ludzi którzy w dźwiękach potrafią zawrzeć tyle emocji, tyle cierpienia, smutku, uczuć a jednocześnie robić to z taką gracją i finezją.
MACHINAE SUPREMACY is a freezing Swedish band, formed in 2000, who conquered the Internet underground scene and made serious waves in the world of game music. The band have performed with the Swedish Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, as well as the number one Norwegian symphony orchestra KORK.
CIRCLE OF PAIN „Classic Live Tunes & Sudhessen Symphonic Orchestra”
“Classic Live Tunes is the material coming from Paradox of Destitution Tour. The digipack contains two CD full of considerable dose of concert Progressive Power Metal in powerful symphonic binding, and this by Sudhessen Symphonic Orchestra with conductor Manfred Kilthau.
CIRCLE OF PAIN „Classic Live Tunes & Sudhessen Symphonic Orchestra”
“Classic Live Tunes is the material coming from Paradox of Destitution Tour. The digipack contains two CD full of considerable dose of concert Progressive Power Metal in powerful symphonic binding, and this by Sudhessen Symphonic Orchestra with conductor Manfred Kilthau.
CIRCLE OF PAIN „Classic Live Tunes & Sudhessen Symphonic Orchestra”
„Classic Live Tunes” jest materiałem pochodzącym z Paradox of Destitution Tour. Można powiedzieć, że owy booklet zawiera dwie płyty CD wypełnione sporą dawką koncertowego Progresywnego Power Metalu w potężnej symfonicznej oprawie, a to za sprawą Sudhessen Symphonic Orchestra, której dyrygował niejaki Manfred Kilthau.
MADWORK „Overflow”
A moment of holiday pause and I again got the pyre of materials to review from friendly Italian Promotive Agency Alkemist Fanatix Europe. Of course the music proposes by that Agency is mainly base on rock-metal sounds with smaller or larger dose of innovations, although here we will not find the pure classic sounds and patents