„The Conjoined” jest kolejnym albumem amerykańskiego bandu o dość dziwnej nazwie – PROJECT: FAILING FLESH, którego wokalistą jest Eric Forrest – były wokalista i basista VOIVOD. I być może to spowodowało, iż PROJECT: FAILING FLESH reprezentuje podobny klimat do VOIVOD, aczkolwiek nieco cięższy i ostrzejszy.
“The Conjoined” is next album of American band with pretty strange name – PROJECT: FAILING FLESH which vocalist is Eric Forrest – ex-vocalist and ex-bass player of VOIVOD. And maybe this is the cause, that PROJECT: FAILING FLESH represents similar climate to VOIVOD, although somewhat heavier and sharper.
PROJECT: FAILING FLESH Signs to Burning Star Records
Burning Star Records is more than excited to announce to all of you that we have signed Project: Failing Flesh!!! The band featuring co-founders Kevin 131, Tim Gutierrez and vocal…
PROJECT: FAILING FLESH „A Beautiful Sickness”
PROJECT: FAILING FLESH is an awesome new three piece band out of Virginia. “A Beautiful Sickness” is their impressive debut released in North America through Candlelight Records.