Strona internetowa: http://www.myspace.com/terrordomeband, www.myspace.com/lostbone
ATREYU „Lead sails paper anchor”
Podobno ATREYU obniżyło loty. Podobno zmienili też styl…
TYPE O NEGATIVE „Dead Again Special Edition Bonus DVD”
Last year, humorous gloom and doom merchants, TYPE O NEGATIVE released their seventh studio full-length, Dead Again. The said album wavered little from their trademark doom/punk/goth with a Lewis Black sort of commentary. They also released a video for the track The Profits of Doom, which has received much airtime on the Headbangers Ball.
POWDER MONKEYS „Lost City Blues”
POWDER MONKEYS were formed in 1992, as a five-piece, and in this year they performed their first concert. Very soon, their rhythm guitarist left the band and they remained in this line up for some time.
EAST TRADING WANG „Favela, Yayo, Caipirinha”
The band was formed in 1997 and since then they have been giving gigs in some bigger or smaller cities, with different luck. The aggressive punk rock they play is quite in demand, because people in Estonia actually buy the,.
GUINEA PIGS, THE „Stay Brutal (Demo)”
To learn or even know anything about this band is compared to miracle. Being so wise and magnificent I visited their website.
BLACK LEAGUE, THE „Mans Ruin Revisited”
Cool Songs: Cold Women and Warm Beer, Better Angels (of our Nature), Black Water Fever
OPPOSITION PARTY is a Thrash / Punk / Hardcore band from Singapore that have been stompin' around for nearly two decades and “Zombified” is their latest, released in 2005 on Pulverised Records. It's fast, hard driving punk, but carries more weight and pounds out some good thrash rhythms and seering leads.