MACK „Self-Titled”
MACK is a musical project led by former ROLLINS BAND drummer, Jason Mackenroth. Its not a coincidence that Mackenroth would dub this band the abbreviated form of his own name because this CD affords him a chance to showcase his musical talents.
ANTI-FLAG „Mobilize”
Z Anti-Flag jest tak, że – jak to ujął pewien recenzent – Justin Sane to nie Jello Biafra i to jednak inny poziom. Faktycznie, mimo pewnych cech wspólnych (ten sam, z grubsza, gatunek; podobna tematyka) Anti-Flag plasuje się w dziwny sposób niżej niż, hm, flagowy polityczny krytykant Ameryki.
SUICIDE MACHINES „War Profiteering Is Killing Us All”
Cool Songs: War profiteering is Killing us all, 17% 18 to 25, All Systems Fail, The Red Flag.
BARS „Introducing ”
Cool songs: Bright Lights For Demise, Like it never Was, Too Far Down, This is it.
SOCIAL DISTORTION „Sex, Love and Rock n Roll”
Cool songs: Reach for the Sky, Dont Take me for Granted, I wasnt born to follow, Winners and Losers
EXPLOITED, THE „Fuck The System”
Probably you'll get upset about me reviewing this “shit”, but I feel I really need to do this, because I believe that this is really cool shit.