Madrit Is The Dark Festival II
PRIMORDIAL, ALCEST, RAPTURE, ESOTERIC, MAEL MORDHA and FORGOTTEN TOMB are the 6 newest confirmations for the MADRID IS THE DARK Festival II that will take place in the Sala Caracol,Madrid…
RAPTURE „Silent Stage”
I have been a fan for a while to the Finnish music scene, but soon I noticed that most of bands have the same sense and bit coldness in their music and tones. I didnt had to give a listen to this band once I knew they were with Spikefarm, coz most of the band in this record company, sounds the same.
RAPTURE „Futile”
The main point of this review and probably the whole idea behind this album is that “Futile” is the excellent album KATATONIA has forgot to record. RAPTURE comes from Finland and while none of the members of the band has anything to do with KATATONIA, they have made a carbon copy of it's “Brave Murder Day” and “Sounds of Decay” era style.
RAPTURE „Sampled God”
Ale odjazd!!! Ciężkie, tłumione riffy gitarowe, gardłowy wokal, mroczne klawisze, monotone, pulsujące sample wprowadzające w trans, totalna perkusja – industrial death metal – tak określiłbym muzykę Włochów – utrzymaną przeważnie w szybkich tempach ale nie bez przerwy, dość zrużnicowane aranżacje… gitary oscylujące między death metalem a industrialem…