SABACHTHANI „Miserable Endings”
The band started out in 2002 but under a different name, which was WELTSCHMERZ, and recorded three demos, and Miserable Endings was one of them. As SABACHTHANI they released two albums: an EP titled Six Black Horses Below (previously a demo, as WELTSCHMERZ), and finally the full-length Miserable Endings, which I have had the pleasure to hear.
SABACHTHANI „Miserable Endings”
The band started out in 2002 but under a different name, which was WELTSCHMERZ, and recorded three demos, and Miserable Endings was one of them. As SABACHTHANI they released two albums: an EP titled Six Black Horses Below (previously a demo, as WELTSCHMERZ), and finally the full-length Miserable Endings, which I have had the pleasure to hear.