Tag: seth

SUMMER DYING LOUD Festival – CORONER becomes the third headliner among MY DYING BRIDE and DISMEMBER

Festival’s line up is almost complete, there are only 4 more announcements left. CORONER will headline the first day. DISMEMBER are the second one and they will play a special set devoted to “Like An Ever Flowing Stream” album. MY DYING BRIDE, who do not play that many shows, are the headliners of the last […]

SUMMER DYING LOUD – diverse metal festival in Poland in September

Packed with Polish and international bands, SUMMER DYING LOUD is a well-known festival which will have its 14th edition in Aleksandrów Łódzki, close to city of Łódź. It will take place between 7th and 9th September when exactly 50 bands will play on two stages. The line-up is gradually revealed and there are 11 more […]

SETH – Wywiad z Paulem

“Seth to w mitologii egipskiej pan burz, pustyń, Górnego Egiptu, oraz zły bóg Świata Umarłych. Przedstawiany jako człowiek z głową wyimaginowanego zwierzęcia złożonego po części z szakala, antylopy oryks oraz osła. Wcześniej występował być może jako bóg wojny i mogło być to bóstwo starsze niż religia egipska. W religii egipskiej jeden z głównych bogów.”


French black metal band SETH have finished recording their fourth album, tentatively titled “Era-Decay”, for a spring release through Avantgarde Music.

“All takes are recorded and the mix is not…

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