Holenderscy Death Metalowcy z SEVERE TORTURE kończą właśnie nagrywanie swojego najnowszego albumu, zatytułowanego „Sworn Vengeance”, którego premierę Earache Records planuje na czerwiec 2007r.
Na „Sworn Vengeance” znajdzie się 10 premierowych…
SEVERE TORTURE – “Sworn Vengeance” (Earache Records)
DARKTHRONE – „F.O.A.D.” (Peaceville Records) …
EVILE Finish UK tour, Headed to Studio Soon
Riding the thrash lightning to stardom, EVILE have just wrapped up and extensive UK tour with death metallers SEVERE TORTURE and DESECRATION. Recounting their tour experience on a recent MySpace…
Tourdiary 1:
The tour started out on the 28th of september in Berlin(DE). After hooking up with Vader, God Dethroned and crew we picked our bunks in the nightliner. This bus…
SEVERE TORTURE Heads out on their Largest Tour Yet
Dutch brutal death metal merchants Severe Torture head out on their
biggest ever tour supporting vader starting 28th september in Berlin and running through Europe until November 10th in support of…
GOD DETHRONED Ready to Release Album & Hit the Road
Dutch Deathsters GOD DETHRONED are gearing up for another Blitzkrieg European tour with VADER & SEVERE TORTURE. Being the main support and having the new album out during the tour…
BRUTAL ASSAULT festival vol. 11
10th-12th August 2006
From 10th 12th August 2006 the 11th volume of the Brutal Assault Festival will take place at Svojsice u Prelouce. This years event promises more impressive expansion…
SEVERE TORTURE „Feasting On Blood”
No, wszystkie krwiożercze bestie, powinny mieć michę ucieszoną. Mięch zostało rzucone maniakom.