SINFUL released new EP “Neos Kosmos” online
Taus: “We are glad to announce our new EP “Neos Kosmos”. The EP, including two tracks, dedicated to our ex-drummer Konstantin Kalkatinov. Tracks entitled “Ice Cradle” and “Et Reditum Aeternalem” were recorded at Tarantul Records in Voronezh. These are the last works of our collaboration with Kostya, who passed away last Summer. We decided to […]
New SINFUL official Live-video
The band announce they published the second official live video off the upcoming DVD online.
SINFUL have published concert video from the preparing DVD
Taus: SINFUL are proud to announce the beginning of work on the debut DVD that will be dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the band. The following video includes detailed info of the upcoming DVD and live video of track “Para Bellum”!
SINFUL made a cover version of DIMMU BORGIR's song
Symphonic black metal band SINFUL recordered cover of DIMMU BORGIR song “Sorgens Kammer – Del II”.
Taus: ŤWe've never recorded a cover version before yet throughout our history we played live…
Klipy STILLBORN z ostatnich koncertów
Na you tube zamieszczone zostały klipy mieleckiego STILLBORN z kilku ostatnich koncertów.
“Natural Born Destroyers”
Legions of Death Attack 2007, 11 listopad, Klub U Bazyla, Poznań. Na trasie z AZARATH…
HATE – europejskie festiwale, trasa po Polsce i Rosji
Zapowiada się bardzo pracowity rok dla rodzimych Death Metalowców z HATE. Na kilka dni przed premierą ich szóstego krążka “Morphosis” zespół zamieścił na profilu myspace informacje o zbliżających się trasach…