Siła Gniewu – STILLBORN + HELLFUCK + DAMAGE CASE – Klub Pod Minogą, Poznań
The bands Stillborn, HellFuck, and Damage Case have announced a concert under the banner “Siła gniewu” (The Power of Anger). The event will take place on January 25, 2025, at the Pod Minogą Club in Poznań. Stillborn is currently promoting their sixth studio album, titled Cultura de la Muerte. The release came out on […]
New STILLBORN's album – Los Asesinos del Sur
The fourth album by polish band Stillborn will be released on 1st Septemper 2011 by Ataman Productions. The album entitled “Los Asesinos del Sur” (from spanish “Murderers from the South”)…
Changes in STILLBORN
After over five years of the joint work, ways of Ikaroz and the band
were split up. His successor is already prepared for performances in
the Ukraine and for the third edition…
STILLBORN – plany na temat drugiej płyty
Mimo wielu problemów, zwiazanych między innymi ze znalezieniem stałego miejsca na próby, STILLBORN pracuje nad nowym materiałem. Według słów muzyków, jest już gotowych kilka numerów i znany ogólny koncept nowej…