MORCAINT “Elessar” EP released by Nordvis Produktion
SUMMONING „Let the Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame”
What do you think, how many people are there who never heard of “Hobbit” or “Lord of the Rings”? References to these great masterpieces have become usual in metal, and often leave the “lucky” buyer rather disappointed, because too many bands choose their name (or album title) in this way trying to draw attention while neither their music nor lyrics have anything to do with it (i.e. Cirith Gorgor, Ephel Duath, Gorgoroth, Morgoth, Nazgul etc…).
SUMMONING „Stronghold”
Summoning is a band from Austria that combine ambient, dark wave, keyboards and synths, black metal, ethnics and epic themes. The vocals are often black metal alike.
SUMMONING „Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame”
Pompatyczny krążek SUMMONING to propozycja spędzenia niezłego czasu w jakieś mgliste lub zimowe wieczory w towarzystwie muzyki blackowej. Oczywiście jest tu również orkiestra, która gra z klawiatur.
Ex-ABIGOR/SUMMONING singer Silenius has joined ST. LUCIFER as the group's new vocalist. The band are currently working on material for their first demo/promo CD, to be made available sometime in…