TYRANT „Grimoires”
The Blooming Cherry-tree's country interested me from my childhood the Zen, the martial arts, the culture, movies and obviously the music Taiko Drums, Shakuhachi, KITARO and recently from several months I delight the Japanese Metal. The majority of Japanese bands what I listened was from under the sign of heavy metal and in majority of bands in band was woman.
FINNUGOR „Darkness Needs Us”
Cool songs: Fire-Raiser of Devastation, Our Blood Is the Ocean, Lord of the Darkest Freedom, Wings of Kryy.
CRADLE OF FILTH „Nymphetamine”
Cool songs: Nymphetamine Overdose, English Fire, Swansong For a Raven, Abstinthe with Faust
OLD MAN'S CHILD „In Defiance Of Existence”
Could it be… That we have the best black metal release of 2003 so early on in the year??? Probably not, because Cradle Of Filth and Dimmu Borgir will release theirs later on, but this sounds GREAT…