TESTOR „Next Stop Insanity”
„Next Stop Insanity” to kolejna produkcja weteranów Polskiego Thrash Metalu, którą rozpoczyna mroczne zsamplowane intro – na wzór soundtracka do jakiegoś thrillera. Jednak ten tajemniczy klimat trwa zaledwie półtorej minuty, gdyż nagle z potężną siłą wdzierają się ciężkie i brutalne thrashowe patenty.
SUICIDAL WINDS „Total Death N'Live”
Peter and Mathias, two friends from another Swedish band, KRISTOS MORTIS, came up with an idea, to leave the group and form their own, and that is how SUICIDAL WINDS came to being. The bands name was taken from CELTIC FROSTs song title, and it seems, that it will be stuck with the group forever, as more and more people associate it with those guys.
NEPHILLIM/ZIRCON „Hymns Of The Fallen/Vastlands ”
Website: http://www.myspace.com/nephillim || http://www.myspace.com/zirconmetal
NEPHILLIM/ZIRCON „Hymns Of The Fallen/Vastlands ”
Website: http://www.myspace.com/nephillim || http://www.myspace.com/zirconmetal
LEGIONS OF WAR „Proclamation Of War (Demo) ”
When recording this album, the band was a three-piece, including Zyklon, Widowpower and Staliorgel, who formed the group in 2005. But its history reaches the years 2002 and 2003, when Zyklon and Stalinorgel started rehearsals.
LEGIONS OF WAR „Proclamation Of War (Demo) ”
When recording this album, the band was a three-piece, including Zyklon, Widowpower and Staliorgel, who formed the group in 2005. But its history reaches the years 2002 and 2003, when Zyklon and Stalinorgel started rehearsals.
MALVENTO „Regressus Ad Uterum The Best Of”
From the very metal Italy comes MALVENTO, a hybrid of thrash and black metal, founded in 1996 in the areas of Naples. The band has not got an official website, although all of the merchandise can be done via Vomitium Niger Productions, Propaganda or Evil Distribution.
FUELED BY FIRE „Spread The Fire”
Fueled By Fire to już nie takie młodzieniaszki. Zespół istnieje od 2001r.