WARBRINGER „One By One, The Wicked Fall”
Jako iż niedawno premierę miała debiutancka płyta tejże kapeli, to zapoznawszy się z ich materiałem na myspace postanowiłem posłuchać Epki, „One By One, The Wicked Fall” aby dowiedzieć się czego mam się spodziewać po długograju.
EVILE „Enter The Grave”
Evile to zespół już nie tak młody, bo grający cztery lata. Kwartet pochodzi z UK i młóci sobie w starym dobrym thrashowym stylu.
ROTENGEIST „Promo 2007”
The regulars of the Polish version of Metal Centre are fully acquainted with the band, a group which has been present on Polish scene since 2005 (still, formed not so long ago). Promo 2007 is their debut album, a material created on their own, by themselves.
BONDED BY BLOOD „Extinguish The Weak”
Bonded By Blood to stosunkowo młody skład, pochodzący z USA. Zespól istnieje dopiero trzy lata, ale na dniach wydaje swoją pierwszą płyte długogrającą.
NITROUS „Dominant Force”
The band was formed in 2004 from the initiative of Lauri Kuriks, the champion of drag racing from Estonia. That is why the band describe their music as drag racing thrash, and their name derives from the gas called nitrous oxide, used in car racing for increasing engine power by injecting it into the intake manifold and this is also the main theme of their songs.
NITROUS „Dominant Force”
The band was formed in 2004 from the initiative of Lauri Kuriks, the champion of drag racing from Estonia. That is why the band describe their music as drag racing thrash, and their name derives from the gas called nitrous oxide, used in car racing for increasing engine power by injecting it into the intake manifold and this is also the main theme of their songs.
GUT „Shrubbery EP”
GUT is a new band on American scene (formed somewhere at the beginning of this century in Boston) and they managed to release one EP, titled Shrubbery, released in 2004. Unfortunately enough, no information about the band is available at the moment.
CRUCIFIED MORTALS „Converted By Decapitation EP”
Since 2001, when the band was formed, as a one-piece group, the beginner of it, Craig Horval, released a demo, which was a silent voice. After a while, some crew joined the band, and things started to go better.