CONQUEST „End Of Days”
CONQUEST is an American band, one of many, because there are at least four American CONQUESTS and even some others, mainly from Europe. This one is a pure thrash metal corporation which knows how to please all those, who cannot imagine their lives, without such dirty play.
IN ARKADIA „Release The Shadows”
IN ARKADIA was born in 2005 and their musical style was heavy metal. Yes, theyve abandoned the heavy and melodic play, to create more heavy and thrashy music, with lots of melodic elements.
SARCASM „Revolt”
SARCASM to Słoweński Thrash Metalowy band pochodzący ze stajni On Parole Productions. Historia zespołu zaczęła się już w 1987 roku.
SARCASM „Revolt”
SARCASM is Slovene Thrash Metal band coming from On Parole Productions. The history of the team started in 1987 year already.
PANTERA „Far Beyond Driven”
Któż nie pamięta tych metalowych wyjadaczy. Słuchając “Far Beyond Driven, aż trudno jest mi uwierzyć, że ów band zaczynał swoją egzystencję na metalowej scenie od glamu.
TORTURE „Storm Alert”
TORTURE is a band that came about back in 1986 in El Paso, Texas in the age of old school Thrash. Influenced by bands like Celtic Frost, Destruction and Slayer, Torture released a 4 song EP and opened locally for all the big named bands that came through Texas, but never really got off the ground.
TORTURE „Storm Alert”
TORTURE is a band that came about back in 1986 in El Paso, Texas in the age of old school Thrash. Influenced by bands like Celtic Frost, Destruction and Slayer, Torture released a 4 song EP and opened locally for all the big named bands that came through Texas, but never really got off the ground.
ANTHRAX „Spreading The Disease”
Zasłużony zespól w graniu muzyki przyciężkawej, tak można nazwać weteranów amerykańskich z Anthrax. Pierwsza moja styczność bliskiego z zespołem Scotta Ian`a i Charliego Benante odbyła się podczas słuchania drugiego pełnometrażowego krążka, jakim jest „Spreading The Disease”.