THIS ENDING „ Let The World Burn – Demo”
One Thing I noticed about this band. I have heard a lot of death metal bands, but sometimes their music lose me.
AFTERLIFE „Dignity Or Death”
„Dignity Or Death” to już z kolei trzecie wydawnictwo jednoosobowego projektu, którego wszelkie aranżacje zostały stworzone i „zmaterializowane” przez człowieka o tajemniczo brzmiącej ksywie – 0015/92. Oczywiście zainteresowanych przeszłością AFTERLIFE odsyłam na strony internetowe METAL CENTRE ( lub BORN TO DIE (, gdzie znajdują się recenzje poprzednich materiałów i wywiad z 0015/92…
MINISTRY „Rio Grande Blood”
Ministry has consistently gotten heavier and heavier over the last decade and their new release on 13th Planet Records, “Rio Grande Blood”, is their heaviest yet. I've been a Ministry fan for over twenty years and although they've gone through countless changes in styles and sounds, I've loved every one of them.
SCARS „The Nether Hell”
Now this is something new. Thrash from Brazil!! Being a big thrash head, I'm much more used to some good German headbanging or some Bay area pounding, USA.
Little Dead Bertha is a Russian band that has been around in various forms since the mid-90's. They seem to have changed musical styles as much as they've changed band members and “Way Of Blind” is their latest release and finds them in an awesome mix of Black Metal and Thrash.
MONASTERY „Shattered Faith”
Monastery is a four piece Polish Thrash band that's been thrashin' around since 1992 and have had two full lengths released in 1993, but only one other in 1996 and this is a four song demo of their newest stuff, or older stuff redone, I'm not sure. It's good Thrash and I'm actually starting to get more and more accustomed to hearing stuff other than grindcore coming from over there.
I confess that I listened bands which are inspired by classics thrash metal or old school hard core long time ago. I think that the American POTENTIAL THREAT SF is just such the band.
Przyznam szczerze, że dawno już nie słuchałem kapel czerpiących inspiracje z klasyki thrash metalu czy old schoolowego hard core’a. Myślę, że Amerykański POTENTIAL THREAT SF jest właśnie taką kapelą.