The next demo of CRUSHPILE includs 4 tunes this time: “Warcock “, “Sawtooth “, “457 ” as well as “Click Dark “. The tunes are well-kept in similar convention like previous material, although already the first tune portrays the progression of team.
CRUSHPILE „Crushpile – Demo”
The first demo metal-men from New Jersey includes 3 tunes: “Owning Up”, “Nutlob” and “Vegas”. The substance of music is create by the very dynamic and rhythmical thrash metal with influences of nu metal or hard core.
THREINODY „Live AT AMC College, Bangalore 2004”
THREINODY “Live AT AMC College, Bangalore 2004” The first time in my life I meet the metal music from India!!! From the title of material results that the material comes from concert and after that the music corrected in Arctic Studios in Bangalore. The material includes until 18 tunes and the 10 tunes are the cover-songs of such bands like JUDAS PRIEST, BLACK SABBATH, VENOM, IRON MAIDEN, BILLY JOEL ( the nice and funny punk rock version), SODOM, SLAYER, METALLICA and THE ROLLING STONES.
SHATTERSPHERE „Shattersphere”
Czterech thrashersów zafundowało nam 9 utworów. Thrash metal proponowany przez zespół można by scharakteryzować w jednym zdaniu jako klasyczny thrash metal, w którym pewne manieryzmy wokalne nasuwają na myśl Jamesa Hetfield’a.
SHATTERSPHERE „Shattersphere”
The four thrashers created the nine tracks. The thrash metal of the band can to characterize in one sentence as classic thrash metal.
RECKLESS TIDE „Repent Or Seal Your Fate”
Here is the last promo material of label Armageddon Music, what I have opportunity to review. This already is sixth publication from under the sign of Armageddon Music, which I have opportunity to acquaint.
RECKLESS TIDE „Repent Or Seal Your Fate”
Oto ostatni materiał promocyjny wytwórni Armageddon Music, jaki mam okazję recenzować. To już szóste wydawnictwo spod szyldu Armageddon Music, z jakim miałem okazję się zapoznać.
HOLY MOSES „Strength Power Will Passion”
Obviously so superb the band I haven't to introduce. Thanks to politeness of Armageddon Music I have pleasure to introduce the next album of this cult German group.